songs to warm your dick by

Zero dollar day.

Today was much better. Negative loops were manageable, and I was able to see the sky.

Picked back up on meditation today. I think I gotta do that. It brings my after-work routine up to 3.5 hours, which is steep. I’m cutting writing short by about 15 minutes today so I can still lay down at 11. Somehow an hour got away from me.

Felt good playing the guitar with heavy fuzz. “Songs to warm your dick by.” Didn’t notice that it got past 10 pm with the amp turned up. Sorry folks.

A colleague has asked me to house-sit for them over the xmas break. That’s exciting. They’ve got a place with some dogs and chickens. He’s a cool dude, intelligent and sensitive. I think he’s an out-loud-and-proud furry, which is pretty cool. I’m weirdly honored that he’s letting me into his world. And excited to check out his property. I want some land with dogs and chickens. And I hope to get some cash for it.

I spent way too much in the last month. I’m not going to manage to save anything out of the next paycheck. I really need to have more saved already, because there is a good chance I’m walking away from this job at the end of this year. Inflation was 6.2% (or thereabouts) last year, and I’m not signing another contract for less than 10% above this year’s salary. And that means I have to be ready to walk. Which I don’t actually hate the idea of, though it would throw off my plans. I was hoping to spend this Summer focused on the van build, but if I walk then I’ll be scrambling to find the next job. Financial security would be wild. I really need to get the van finished and move into it for a year or two. Gotta do something to get ahead here.

We had a 2F day recently, and I got to wear the parka to work. Just a t-shirt and the parka, and I was a little too warm. That thing is no fucking joke. I want my next light jacket to be from them (Canada Goose) too. But that shit ain’t cheap, so we’ll see. Gotta get on my feet financially.

Back when bitcoin was starting, I knew it was something I should have jumped on. It’s math, it’s decentralized, and it’s anarchist economics. But, on some level, I always resent having to respond to the world, so I let it pass me by. If I had dropped a few hundred bucks at the right time…. I guess I do gotta respond to the world sometimes. Several hundred grand right now would make a huge difference.