how do auto loans work?

Paid off the last of my credit cards today, and paid my CA friend back for my Stones ticket.

I’ve still got a line of credit with paypal that needs paying off, about 2k.  Should have that done by mid February at the latest.

It looks like paypal doesn’t report to any of the three bureaus, so I should be good to start looking at auto loans in a few weeks or so.  My score at creditkarma just broke 700, but from what I’ve heard, my FICO score will be a bit lower.  So I’ll wait till I see nothing (but student loans) on credit karma, and then will go sit down with my credit union, and see what they have to say.

I haven’t lived here long, and don’t plan to, so I’m worried what that will mean.  As for financing through a dealership, there’s very little chance that I’ll be buying from a local dealership.  We’ll see.

I’d love to buy the van as soon as I can, so I have it here to plan with and start working on well before summer.  March is possible, and would be ideal.  But I’ll have to start making payments as soon as I get it (I presume), and that’s going to cut into my conversion money.  Everything’s a trade-off.

Office holiday party was today.  I’m way better at that sort of thing than I used to be.  Still tiring.  My hummus went over well.

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