Zero dollar day. Those are easy to come by when you’re locked inside, eating died beans and canned veggies.
Feeling better today. Whatever I had, it seems to be on the way out. No test results yet.
Gave a talk to my department today, and the incoming chair was most excited about my research topics. I’m going to drop the idea of studying for the P Exam (for actuaries) over the Winter break, and instead spend the time on mathematical research. It seems unreal that I’m able to say that. That incoming chair propositioned me a few months ago regarding a possible collaboration, and I’m going to take him up on that. I’ll split my time between that project, and getting my own papers submitted.
I’m going to submit my main result straight to the Journal of Mathematical Biology.
My current department has offered me a one year extension in my current role as Visiting Professor, and I’ll likely take it so there’s no break in my health-care coverage mid pandemic. Then I’ll likely apply for the tenure-track position that I’ll be filling in for. If I have papers submitted and/or published, and a successful collaboration with the chair, I’ll have a shot at it.
I miss hugs. And blowjobs.