Zero dollar day. Almost gave up around 5 pm and went to get a frozen pizza, but I persevered. One more day before I get to rest.
My neighbor is from this area, and he put the fear of Winter into me today. I like extreme Winters, and the beginning of Autumn already feels wonderful, but getting enough snow to not be able to open your door is not something I’m accustomed to. My next grocery store trip will involve procuring a months worth of provisions. I do wish my van was 4 wheel drive. The after-market conversion is like 20 grand, so that’s not happening any time soon.
This happened a while ago, but it was while I was on sabbatical from Crowswood, so it hasn’t been mentioned here yet–I actually got my full security deposit back from my last apartment. That was shocking. I did leave the place in better shape than I found it (by a fair bit), but I thought landlords had some kind of moral opposition to relinquishing security deposits. Well, their apostasy allowed me to pay off a chunk of the van build cost. There’s still about 9 grand to pay down on credit (down from about 15)…4k on a medium-interest line, and the other 5k on a deferred interest line with amazon. (Feels extra dirty giving them anything these days. I’ll cut ties soon enough. Making use of that monster did simplify the build considerably.) Then there’s about 20k on the van. I’m planing on paying off all of the build costs, and hopefully as much as half of what’s owed on the van this year.
I’ve been meditating by the creek every morning this last week. It’s nice. I’ve seen a crane, some turkeys, a salamander, and lots of frogs. Oh, and a green-backed hummingbird feeding from some flowers that I had suspected were designed for its kind.
I also got word from my school that I’ll have the option of being 100% online in the Spring semester. So I could stay holed-up here if the van’s not ready, or if I don’t feel like the Covid situation is such that I’m willing to give up private rooms.
It occurs to me that I haven’t talked here yet about my decision to take out another lease. I’ll try to remember to do that tomorrow.