I bought a van. It’s here now. I actually just installed a backup camera, though it’s not hooked to a monitor yet.
It’s been a bit of a blur. After wrapping up the semester, I started a search in earnest, and found this van. Talked to the owner of the dealership on Friday, saw it and made a down-payment on Monday, and paid it off and brought it home on Wednesday. It’s Friday night right now.
V6, 3.0L diesel engine, 144″ WB, high roof. 2015 with about 81000 miles on the odometer. Had one pending EGR code when I bought it, but that cleared up on driving it home (183 miles).
I’ll post some pictures soon. I’ll also start taking video and posting that soon.
I’ve started going in on tools and materials for the build. I’ve bought the pocket hole jig, a work table, jigsaw blades and drill bits for metal, a 2.5 gal wet/dry vac, a ladder (too small, returning it), a camera, a textbook on diesel engines, and a laptop (already got ubuntu installed, and it feels so good).
I’ve got a lot of catching up to do here on crowswood, and I intend to. I’m doing this shit.