Spent no dollars today. And I sold an old bike rack for a car via craigslist for 10 bucks.
I need to find the time to post more stuff to craigslist. Especially hydroponic equipment. Won’t have room for it in the van, and I need the money.
Didn’t sleep well last night, and hit the green tea pretty hard today at work. It resulted in the worst anxiety while teaching that I’ve experienced in a good long while. So I’m just going to be tired from now on.
Fucking grading and applying for jobs all evening.
I’ve applied for every relevant job posted on mathjobs.org in all of Canada. Almost done with Massachusetts. Gotta keep hitting that hard.
Come February or so, when all the application deadlines for the coming academic year have passed, I’ll shift my efforts back to extracting some publications from my thesis, and continuing with my research. A few publications will make it much more feasible for me to get a postdoc next time around, but I have to apply as much as I can now.
I’m applying for postdocs, visiting prof, and lecturer gigs.
Hopefully, once I’ve moved into the van, even an adjunct gig will suffice.